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Nikkei Research Census of 265 Stores in Tokyo

Nikkei Research Inc. has released its new "Census of Stores" data, in which usage behaviors concerning stores have been collected, targeting 60,000 consumers in the greater Tokyo area. The survey was conducted in September 2023, covering 265 locations (including large outlets) across Tokyo and three other neighboring prefectures.

In the ranking of the most-visited stores over the past three months, Lumine Shinjuku remained in top position. It was followed by Seibu Ikebukuro and Shibuya Hikarie, both of which climbed one rank from last year. Department stores compromised half the seats in the top 10.

Lumine Shinjuku maintained its lead in the "Top 10 Most Visited Stores" a summary of store usage behavior announced by Nikkei Research.

Each store's characteristics are revealed from the data.

Young females tend to frequently visit stores such as Lumine Shinjuku, Lumine Est Shinjuku, NEWoMan Shinjuku, and Shinjuku Mylord. On the other hand, Keio Department Store Shinjuku, Takashimaya Shinjuku Store, and Odakyu Department Store Shinjuku are popular among those in their 50s and above. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is unique, having many male visitors, particularly those who are young.

"Share of store visitors by gender and age group" shows which stores each group visited the most.

The Nikkei Research's Census of Stores data presents information on the usage status in this changing landscape of commercial facilities across the greater Tokyo area.

More details are available from the below links.


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