2021.12.22 The 2021 Columbia-Nikkei journalism scholarship awarded to Prinz Magtulis, a Filipino journalist 2021.11.29 Nikkei xTREND Announces Trend Map for the Second Half of 2021 2021.11.25 Nikkei Virtual Global Forum "The Future of Space" to Take Place on December 8 2021.11.12 U.S. Podcast "How I Built This": Co-production and distribution of the Japanese version with Nippon Broadcasting System 2021.11.10 Partner Agreement with New Rugby League 2021.10.14 CEOs Will Talk at Nikkei Forum: World Economic Revival and Corporate Management in New Normal 2021.10.13 Videos with Virtual Humans, Made Easy: Nikkei Innovation Lab Develops New Production System 2021.10.13 The 2nd Nikkei Women Empowerment Advertising Awards Winners Selected 2021.10.01 Tracing the History of Nikkei in English 2021.07.23 Nikkei Asia wins four prizes, including two golds, at the Asian Media Awards 1 2 次へ